ANS Clinic - Your specialist clinic for autonomic complaints and diseases of the autonomic nervous system

Welcome to ANS-Clinic - the outpatient clinic for autonomic disorders & disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System !

These symptoms can occur together, caused by nerve dysfunction. Let us choose the best therapy for you so that you can enjoy your life again.

ANS Clinic - Your specialist clinic for autonomic complaints and diseases of the autonomic nervous system

ANS Clinic - Your specialist clinic for autonomic complaints and diseases of the autonomic nervous system

Dear patients, these pages are meant to inform and guide you if have symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, dry eyes, bladder and indigestion. These symptoms may have a common cause, for example, if there is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system or ANS. Without specific examination, the causes are often recognized late or not at all. There are many options for treatment and relief for most complaints.

The ANS Clinic is located in the "Neuro Praxis Duesseldorf". Here we specialize in the diagnosis and therapy of neurovegetative complaints and diseases of the autonomic nervous system. We founded the ANS Clinic in 2017. Here we offer a specific medical examination, tests of autonomic nerve function as well as an overall therapeutic concept with medical recommendations, a physiotherapeutic exercise program and advice on preventive measures.

In addition, we bring together neurovegetative findings from various disciplines (gastroenterology, cardiology, urology, etc.). An overview of the large variety of complaints associated with autonomic disorders is provided with the dropdown menu below. If you recognize your complaints you may want to see the page Typical Complaints for more information and arrange for an appointment with us.

Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich, ANS Clinic in the "Neuro Praxis Duesseldorf"

Information related to typical complaints:

patients recalled the follwing experiences

patients recalled the follwing experiences

„For a long time I felt dizzy during the day. I had to sit of lay down repeatedly in order to function. With the right therapy and the accompanying exercises life has returned to normal.“

„ The autonomic nervous system controls all organ functions of the body. Therefore, various problems may occur which are classified and resolved as autonomic disorders.“

Preventing faints

In orthostatic dysregulation, fainting may be preceded preceded by dizziness, drowsiness or loss of orientation. Immediately, you should lie down or sit down with your legs up. If possible, drink 400-500ml of water rapidly.

Weitere Hilfen

Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich
„You have questions about ANS Clinic or would like to make an appointment? I'm happy to help.“

Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich