About ANS Clinic

About ANS Clinic

You may have ailments such as headache, dizziness, dry eyes, bladder and indigestion. These symptoms may have a common cause, for example, if there is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system or ANS. Without targeted examination, the causes are often recognized late. Therapeutic concepts are hardly known so far. There are many options for treatment and relief for most complaints.

In ANS Clinic Düsseldorf we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of neurovegetative disorders. That means our specialty is the diseases of the autonomic nervous system. We founded the ANS Clinic in 2017. Here we offer a targeted medical examination, specialized functional tests as well as an overall therapeutic concept with medical recommendations, a physiotherapeutic exercise program and advice on preventive measures. In addition, we bring together neurovegetative findings from various disciplines (gastroenterology, cardiology, urology, etc.). If you recognize yourself in the above-mentioned complaints, we recommend that you discuss with your family doctor whether the presentation in our ANS Clinic is an option.

Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich
„You have questions about ANS Clinic or would like to make an appointment? I'm happy to help.“

Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich