Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich
Initiator and Head of the ANS-Clinic in Duesseldorf
Professor med. Christina Haubrich brings experience and a lot of passion for her patients. As part of her medical work at the Aachen University Hospital, she has already set up and successfully established an outpatient clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of neurovegetative disorders.
With the ANS Clinic in the "Neuro Praxis Duesseldorf" in 2017, she established autonomic diagnostics and therapy for the first time under a common roof with several other medical disciplines.
Neurology is a constantly evolving discipline. Personally, I believe that you can only advise and treat your patients well if you are always up to date. "
For her research of cerebral hemodynamics and the autonoomic nervous system, she has repeatedly conducted scientific projects at the University of Cambridge, UK for her research. In 2015 and 2016 she was Visiting Professor at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK. Her scientific work is centered around autonomic disorders in acute-traumatic and neurodegenerative diseases.
Since September 2017, Prof. Haubrich coordinates the project ParkinsonCompanion at the University of Aachen, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This project is part of the initiative "bringing technology to people" and aims to design a smart device and App helping with the diagnosis of Parkinson's sleep disorders and autonomic complaints. (
The Clare Hall College Cambridge awarded Prof. Dr. med. Haubrich in 2010 with the Life Membership.
Prof. Dr. med. Haubrich was admitted to the Academia-Net of the Robert Bosch Foundation in 2015.
Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich has been teaching Neurology at the Faculty of Medicine of the RWTH Aachen University since 2008. In 2015, she was appointed Adjunct Professor of Neurology.
She is a enthusiatic communicator of diagnostics and therapy in diseases of the autonomic nervous system. Since 2011, Professor Haubrich has been a member of the advisory board and treasurer of the German Autonomous Society for several years. Since 2015, she is a member of the autonomic nervous disorders panel of the European Acadmy of Neurology (EAN) and provides regular scientific updates.
She is the author of over 50 publications in mainly international scientific journals and textbooks. In addition, she regularly conveys her expertise at international congresses and lecture series.
It is important to convey that even rare diseases affecting the autonomic nervous system can be diagnosed with care and sucessfully treated. Here's a link to: " Wenn die Elektrik der Organe streikt " in the January 2017 issue of Brain & Mind, Spectrum of Sciences.

Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich lives with her husband and children in Duesseldorf. She loves sports and outdoor activities.
Whenever possible, she volunteers in foundations and organizations for the promotion of junior scientists. Through her now wide network of international contacts and cooperations and many years of scientific work, she supports medical students at the University of Aachen as a mentor. At the University of Cambridge, she initiated the UK Academia-Net meetings for female scientists.
What fascinates you about the "autonomic nervous system"?
The autonomic nervous system is a vital driver for an independent and long life. Put simply, it is the electrical system of the organs.
I am fascinated by the topic and at the same time I am tempted by every patient to keep the system as functional as possible. In general, we have many options to help with discomfort and to keep people as independent as possible for as long as possible.
What is important to you as a physician?
My passion is first and foremost to help people. I have gained a lot of experience in the meantime. In the age of digitization, I also discovered that, for example, with medical apps or digital tools, there are many new and very helpful ways to keep people informed and thus self-determined. Therefore, I am committed to providing patients with as much information as possible so that they can participate in decision making in order to find a therapy that works best for them. I am aiming to provide my patients with medical support and to empower them with knowhow and self-support.
Why are you involved in research at the same time?
Neurology is constantly evolving. Personally, I believe that you can only advise and treat your patients well if you are up to date with your medical discipline. At the same time, medicine and neurosciences, of course, are evolving with further knowledge. I am motivated by the desire to contribute and further the scientific field with technical solutions providing patients with autonomic disorders a better access to new diagnostics and therapy. This motivated the joint project ParkinsonCompanion aiming to develope a smart device and App to support patients with Parkinson's Disease. The project is funded by BMBF (Ministry of research and education) and is carried out together with medical collegues, engineers, and computer scientists.

„You have questions about ANS Clinic or would like to make an appointment? I'm happy to help.“
Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich