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(Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich)
Zum Tag der offenen Tür am 05.06.2019
Frau Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich lud zur Fortbildung zum Thema: Schwindel und Kreislaufstörunge ein . Orientiert an den Leitlinien der neurologischen Fachgesellschaft wurden neue Wege der Diagnostik und Therapie präsentiert. Anschaulich wurde die Diagnostik vegetativer Nervenfunktionen, d.h. des Automen Nervensystems vermittelt.
Vagusnerv-Stimulation nach Schlaganfall
Vagal nerve stimulation may improve post-stroke motor recovery
The Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) may promote reorganization of motor networks via engaging a variety of molecular and neuronal mechanisms through ascending neuromodulatory systems.
Wenn die Elektrik der Organe streikt (Beitrag Gehirn & Geist 01/2017)
Jede Störung, bei der sich die Nerven akut oder chronisch entzünden, kann auf das autonome Nervensystem übergehen. Da es alle lebenswichtigen Funktionen reguliert, ist es an den häufigsten chronischen Erkrankungen wie Diabetes, Rheuma oder Krebs beteiligt. Entsprechend lang ist die Liste der möglichen Ursachen für eine Krankheit...
ParkinsonCompanion: Digitaler Helfer unterstützt Parkinson-Patienten
Habe ich die Parkinson-Krankheit? Diese Frage stellen sich Patienten in der Regel erst, wenn Zittern, Verlangsamung und Steifigkeit der Bewegungen nicht mehr zu übersehen sind. Die Krankheit könnte jedoch schon viel früher diagnostiziert werden. Denn bereits im frühen Krankheitsverlauf finden sich Veränderungen von Schlaf, Aufmerksamkeit...
Critical review of Pure Autonomic Failure (PAF)
Recent critical review of Pure Autonomic Failure (PAF) raises awareness for
early signs of Parkinson’s disease (PD), Lewy body dementia (DLB), and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)
Three observational studies published in 2017 and 2018 suggested that a significant number of patients with PAF may gradually develop symptoms and signs of MSA, PD, or DLB.
Brain-Gut axis in Parkinson’s disease
Recent experimental investigations provided first evidence of a monosynaptic nigro-vagal pathway by which one of Parkinson’s earliest symptoms the gastrointestinal dysfunction could be explained.
Update on Multiple System Atrophy
In the recent years several studies have highlighted the importance of autonomic testing and a careful neurovegetative anamnesis including questions focusing on symptoms of dysautonomia and REM sleep behavioral disorder (RBD).
The anti-inflammatory effect of vagus nerve stimulation
The principal autonomic neurotransmitters, acetylcholine and noradrenaline, are involved in immune regulation in the context of inflammation through various molecular pathways.
Experimental data suggested that vagal stimulation can be inhibited the cytokine production and attenuate arthritis.
Update on Diagnostics of Syncope
Faint or Syncope is the sudden loss of consciousness, associated with the inability to maintain postural tone followed by the immediate, spontaneous recovery. It is the cause for 3–5% of all emergency department visits. Despite significant socioeconomic impact a minority of patients only obtains guideline oriented syncope-specific diagnostics and therapy.
Update autonomic dysreflexia in patients with spinal cord injury
Autonomic dysreflexia is a serious complication of a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) above the sixth thoracic vertebral level (T6) in which a noxious stimulus below the level of injury, such as a blocked catheter or bowel distension, triggers an episode of extreme hypertension. Two reviews updated our knowledge about this serious complication.
Complications after stroke or myocardial infarction predicted by decreased Vagal activity
Decreased vagal activity after stroke or myocardial infarction is an independent predictor for secondary complications and the risk of death. A cardioautonomic parameter obtained automatically within minutes at first contact appears to offer a chance for early risk stratification in the emergency department.
Cardiac arrythmias in patients with epilepsy
The MORTEMUS study by Ryvlin et al. (Lancet Neurol 2013; 12: 966–77) made us aware that SUDEP is associated with centrally mediated severe alterations of cardiac and respiratory functions. Will cardioautonomic functions as a reduced heart rate variability or baroreflex sensitivity help to predict the risk for postictal cardiac arrhythmias in epilepsy ?

„You have questions about ANS Clinic or would like to make an appointment? I'm happy to help.“
Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich