Our approach
The autonomic nervous system controls a variety of internal organs. The symptoms of disorders of this part of the nervous system can be correspondingly complex. Typically, the autonomic nervous system controls bodily functions, such as circulatory regulation, bladder emptying, or bowel movements, which are given special attention only when they interfere with everyday life or limit well-being.
Our experience, above all, the understandable training helps to better understand the exemplified body reactions. This makes it easier for those affected in everyday life to better assess which diet, daily structure are suitable to support vegetative functions or how activity or relaxation can be used specifically to prevent stress-related vegetative symptoms.
From Acute to Chronic - Autonomic Disorders are associated with a wide spectrum of diseases
Almost any disease in which nerves become acutely or chronically ill can pass to the autonomic nervous system. Since it regulates all vital functions, it is involved in the most common chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, rheumatism or cancer. Correspondingly long is the list of possible causes of a disease of the autonomic nervous system: vitamin deficiency, inflammation, infection, alcohol consumption or drug side effects. Acute diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction or brain or spinal cord injury may also interfere with the regulation of vital functions of the autonomic nervous system, such as circulation, respiration, digestion, urination and sleep. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system - which can be diagnosed and treated by only a few neurologists - can present many faces: fainting, dizziness, blood pressure fluctuations, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, irritable bowel problems, incontinence, excessive sweating, itching, redness but also sensations of discomfort and pain.
Diseases of the autonomic nervous system have many faces
Many of these symptoms are associated with neuropathy in the legs or arms (polyneuropathies) but also in association with central nervous system (CNS) disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or dementia. Accidents involving craniocerebral trauma, as well as traumatic cross-sectional syndromes of the spinal cord, can temporarily or permanently damage the autonomic nervous system or the regulation of autonomic nerves.
Shorten the path to diagnosis with ANS Clinic
If, for example, disorders of the circulatory system, sleep, digestion, urinary bladder and abnormal sensations are involved, the description of the symptoms can be very complex and expensive for those affected. Not infrequently, only individual complaints are considered, so that the actual cause, namely a disease of the autonomic nervous system is recognized late or not at all. The way to diagnose these disorders can be particularly frustrating and lengthy because routine examinations of the blood, heart, stomach, intestines, and bladder typically produce normal results. Experience has shown that the neurovegetative anamnesis, investigations of cardiovascular and cardiovascular regulation, gastroenterological functional diagnostics and urodynamic investigations help in the classification of symptoms and diagnosis of the disease. Thanks to standardized autonomic function diagnostics in the ANS Clinic as well as cardiological, neurourological and neuro-gastroenterological colleagues, circulatory reflexes, gastrointestinal activity, urinary bladder emptying dynamics as well as sweat gland function can be assessed.
Tingling, prickling, burning - may be due to a small fiber neuropathy
Disorders and pain in the context of diseases of slow-conducting, small-caliber, non-myelinated nerve fibers (small fibers) are often a mystery to diagnostics. Standardized Quantitative Sensitivity Assays provide appropriate diagnostics for patients with small fiber neuropathies at the ANS Clinic. This allows the targeted examination of neuropathies of pain-conducting nerve fibers. Small fiber neuropathies can occasionally be very similar to the clinical picture of fibromyalgia. Occasionally, small fiber neuropathies also express leg restlessness (restless leg symptoms). The exact differentiation of the diseases helps us to treat those affected more successfully and to provide better prognosis. to have the diagnosis of neuropathy examined as the cause of the pain.
Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: not rare - but rarely diagnosed
At ANS Clinic, it is not only important to us to provide you with a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. It is equally important for us to train your eyes for the body and to give you helpful recommendations for lifestyle in everyday life. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system occur by no means seldom. Because they have received little attention diagnostically so far, we do not know how many people are affected by it. But the number of chronically ill patients with vegetative dysfunction in Germany estimate experts as at least seven-digit.
FAQ - frequently asked Questions
Which organs of the body are supplied by the autonomic nervous system?
All internal organs heart, lungs, intestines ect., As well as the eyes and the skin
What is meant by the term belly-brain?
The term "belly brain" refers to the enteric nervous system. The gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system of about 100 million nerve cells and can work autonomously as the brain.
Which symptoms may indicate orthostatic dysregulation?
For example, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, headache.
Have you ever had problems being up-right? What causes dizziness and fainting?
Situations could be: long standing, getting up quickly, heat, severe pain, dehydration, medication side effects.
How often do people empty their bladder every day?
In the period of 24 hours about 6 to 8 times.
Is there a blood pressure difference between lying and standing?
Optimally, blood pressure levels (systolic blood pressure) may be the same when lying down and standing. Typically, however, the systolic blood pressure level measured while standing is slightly (less than 20 mmHg) lower than the systolic blood pressure in supine position. The diastolic blood pressure should remain approximately the same or may slightly increase. Minor differences of less than plusminus 10 mmHg are normal.
Which symptoms can occur with a disease of the small fibers (slow conducting nerve fibers)?
Typical complaints of a polyneuropathy involving the small fibers, eg. the slow conducting, non-myelinated nerve fibers are burning, prickling, itching, and tingling sensations. These sensations are mostly felt in the legs and feet and may as well occurr in the hands. Body, face, or mouth may be rarely involved as well.
„You have questions about ANS Clinic or would like to make an appointment? I'm happy to help.“
Prof. Dr. Med. Christina Haubrich